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Female Gynaecologist

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What is a perineoplasty?

Perineum is the area between the vagina and the anus. This area can be stretched and disrupted during childbirth, traumatic injuries, weight loss and ageing. Perineoplasty is the surgery to reconstruct the perineum to tighten the perineal area and vaginal opening. Any scar tissue from vaginal tears or episiotomy during childbirth can also be treated at the time. This improves the appearance of the perineum and improves sexual function and confidence.

What happens during a perineoplasty?

A perineoplasty can be performed under local anaesthetic or sedation. Most women opt for sedation as it is more comfortable. The surgeon will remove any excess, loose skin and reinforce the underlying muscles to reinstate the support to the perineum. A ‘V-shaped’ incision from the entrance of the vagina will be mage and once stitched back, tightens the vaginall opening and the perineal area. All stitches are dissolvable.

What is the recovery like after the procedure?

Full recovery after perineoplasty takes 6 weeks. We advise to avoid intercourse in this time period to aid healing. You need to avoid heavy lifting and use sanitary pads instead of tampons. The area needs to be kept clean and dry to avoid risk of any infection. You will have access to the clinic at all times in case you are worried about healing.

Is perineoplasty painful?

The procedure is not painful as it is usually performed under sedation, so you will be asleep. The surgeon will inject local anaesthetic in the area. Once the anaesthetic wears off, you will have discomfort in the area, which can be relieved by taking simple analgesia.

What are the complications of surgery?

All complications or side effects can be managed by the surgeon treating you.


We provide a safe and friendly environment with an experienced female gynaecologist carrying out the procedure. We offer emergency appointments and supportive aftercare for all patients.

Perineoplasty under sedation

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UK's Top Rated Private Gynaecology Clinic

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Female Gynaecologist

24-hour Aftercare

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0% Interest Free Finance

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Meet the Team

Dr Hina Pathak Sra


Hina is a Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist with a special interest in facial aesthetics and aesthetic gynaecology. Having graduated from St. John’s College, University of Oxford and Imperial College London, Hina did her Obstetrics and Gynaecology training from major London hospitals. Hina honed her aesthetic gynaecology skills with The European Society of Aesthetic Gynaecology.

UK's Leading Female Health Expert

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